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How do I upload activity to a playlist?

In this section, you will get to know the basic procedure to upload activity inside a playlist in CurrikiStudio. Below is a detailed stepwise description of how to upload an activity to a playlist.

  1. Go to the “My Projects” icon and choose the project & playlist where the activity is to be uploaded.
  2. Locate the Upload Icon on the top of that particular playlist.
  3. Hovering on the upload icon shows the Upload option.
  4. Click on the Upload Button to upload the activity from a computer.
  5. The “Upload activity” window will pop up on the screen. 
  6. Describe the activity by entering the “Title” and “Description” of the activity. Choose the “Subject”, “Education Level” and “Author Tags” from the Drop-Down menu. Select or upload “Activity Thumbnail Image.” After adding activity details, click on the “Select File” button or “browse” hyperlink to upload the activity from a computer.

(Please Note: “Title” is a mandatory field to upload any activity and all other fields are optional.)

  1. Choose the H5p file of the activity from a computer and click on the “Open” button to upload an activity.

(Please Note: It is essential that the activity to be uploaded is in H5p format)